A Church Re-Plant


An Introduction to The Attributes of God

One of the great hymns we routinely hear and sing in our church proclaims this glorious chorus, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.” We sing this song not because of a catchy melody or because of popular sentiment but instead, because of the great truths it proclaims. In the storms of life, in the throws of tragedy- in being human- there is no other ballast to which we can cling that provides the firmament and foundation that Christ provides. But why? Why is it that for thousands of years, people have placed their full and complete hope in the God of the Bible? Why have so many stood in the face of death without fear? To get to the very root of these questions, we turn to the One in whom these forebearers have placed their trust. The answer, I believe, lies in who our God is. An exploration of His attributes will give us insight into why “our hope is built on nothing less but Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” 

When we look at the attributes that God possesses, it would serve us well to know where we are to look. Explorations into the character and nature of God cannot stem from our own authority. God is not God if we are Lord over Him. I suggest that our definition of who God is must stem from the Bible; from God’s word, His revelation of Himself. For as the Second London Baptist Convention beautifully lays out, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down or necessarily contained in the Holy Scripture….” Our study of the attributes of God can only be examined through the lens of Scripture. All other “outside sources” are, by nature, incomplete. You and I don’t have the privilege of attributing characteristics to God that we desire Him to have. We can’t decide who He is. No, instead, God has chosen to define Himself as He is, through His own revelation. He defines himself. We can behold creation and learn something of who God is. Psalm 19 and Romans 1 tell us as much. Yet to know God intimately, we must behold the scope of Scripture. We must let the Bible inform us.

Throughout the ages, society has wrestled with three questions when examining who God is. To borrow the old Latin phrasing of these questions, they are as follows: An sit Deus? Quid sit Deus? Qualis sit Deus? Or to translate into English: Does God exist? What is God? What qualities does God possess? To begin our study, then let us begin where many have begun, with these questions. But also, let us turn to the Bible to best answer them. As we proceed, these questions will help steer us in answering why so many faithful Christians have not only spent lifetimes devoted to Christ but have willingly given their lives up for Him. And I pray, we will have our own faith bolstered as we explore God and His attributes.