A Church Re-Plant


Community Groups

The Christian life is never a solo journey. Sanctification is a community project. Christians need consistent encouragement from each other in order to persevere in faith and live lives characterized by love and obedience to Christ. To this end the author of Hebrews exhorts us with great urgency, “Take care brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God, but encourage one another day after day” (3:12-13). Later in the letter he continues, “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together” (10:24-25a).

At Christ Fellowship, we believe Community Groups are an excellent way to facilitate the mutual encouragement, care, and service that the Bible calls the local church body to practice toward one another. Therefore, our groups include about 8-12 believers committing to meet regularly for fellowship, study, accountability, prayer, and service.

When and Where?

Community groups at CFC are free to meet anytime during the week. However, the majority of our groups meet on the second and fourth Sunday evenings of the month. Our community groups meet in the homes of our members around Louisville.

Who Can Join?

Community groups at CFC are intended primarily to help our members provide biblical care and encouragement for one another. At CFC, we understand participation in a small group as one aspect of our commitment to this local congregation. Therefore, although you do not have to have completed the membership process before joining a group, group participation is reserved for members or those moving toward membership.

How Do I Get into a Small Group?

Show interest by contacting us.